On Demand: Coding and Documentation Concepts for V ...
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In this Q&A document, various questions related to coding and documentation for venous diagnostic and procedures are addressed. Some of the key points mentioned include:<br /><br />- Modifier 59 is appended to the second 93970 code, not the first.<br />- Modifier XS is recommended for reporting 93970 when performed on the upper and lower extremities on the same day.<br />- Procedure code 36478 is not used for a TIPS procedure, but rather for the treatment of incompetent vein in the extremity.<br />- Venous angioplasty (37248) can be coded after a mechanical thrombectomy (37187) in the same vessel.<br />- The appropriateness of billing a procedure with a 53 modifier in the case of a complication during a planned RFA depends on the specific circumstances and documentation.<br />- Procedure code 36012 can be submitted multiple times (up to 4) if medically necessary.<br />- IVUS can be billed for a TP trunk vessel evaluation as a separate vessel, but not for intervention.<br />- Real-time documentation is important for reporting code 76937 accurately.<br />- The billing of code 76937 on both legs depends on individual carrier preferences.<br />- There should be one catheter placement code unless there are two accesses or multiple selective placements.<br />- Code 36010 can be used for lower extremity venograms with access through the GSV.<br />- Mechanical thrombectomy in two separate veins can be billed separately only if done bilaterally with a 50 modifier.<br />- The coding of IVUS (37252 and 37253) depends on the specific findings and documentation.<br />- Only the most selective catheter placement should be coded unless there are two accesses.<br />- A basilic approach going to the ipsilateral subclavian vein is coded as 36005.<br /><br />These questions provide clarification on coding and documentation requirements for various venous procedures.
modifier 59
modifier XS
procedure code 36478
venous angioplasty
mechanical thrombectomy
catheter placement code
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