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Cardiovascular Essentials for Coders
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Cardiovascular Coding Documentation 101 Disclaimers
MedAxiom Disclaimer
The presentation content in this course is for general information purposes only and is not intended and does not constitute legal, reimbursement, coding, business or other advice. Furthermore, it is not intended to increase or maximize payment by any payer. Nothing in the presented content should be construed as a guarantee by MedAxiom regarding levels of reimbursement, payment or charge, or that reimbursement or other payment will be received. Similarly, nothing in the presented content should be viewed as instructions for selecting any particular code.

The ultimate responsibility for coding and obtaining payment/reimbursement remains with the customer. This includes the responsibility for accuracy and veracity of all coding and claims submitted to third party payers. Also note that the information presented herein represents only one of many potential scenarios, based on the assumptions, variables and data presented. In addition, the customer should note that laws, regulations, coverage and coding policies are complex and updated frequently.

Therefore, the customer should check with their local carriers or intermediaries often and should consult with legal counsel or a financial, coding or reimbursement specialist for any coding, reimbursement or billing questions or related issues. This information is for reference purposes only. It is not provided or authorized for marketing use.

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CPT® copyright 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I download my CEU certificate? 
Once you have completed a course (including the evaluation), select the "Download Certificate" button at the top of the course page. You can also download your certificate under "Transcript" in the left menu bar. 

Q: Do I need to purchase additional reading materials for MedAxiom Academy courses? 
A: Additional reading materials may be required. To view course specific materials, view the course syllabus. 

Q: Is the course evaluation required? 
A: Yes, you must complete the course evaluation after completing all modules to officially finish a course and receive your certificate.  

Q: What are the requirements to pass an exam? 
You must receive an 70% or higher on each exam in order to pass and proceed to the next module. If you receive a score under 70%, you need to take the exam again and receive a passing score to proceed to the next module. 

Q: Do courses expire? 
Yes. Access to the exams and course content will expire 12 months after the start of the course.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $599.00
Non-Member: $799.00
Partner: Not Eligible
Credit Offered:
13.5 CEU Credits